Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a gradual progressive neuro-degenerative disorder that gradually results in accumulating disability. Inactivity, reduced mobility, high risk of falls, and social isolation are the major contributors that could negatively influence the individual’s physical and mental health, social interaction, and health-related quality of life. Gait disturbance, for instance, freezing, is associated with increased risk of falls and fractures, hospitalization and loss of independence. The fear of additional falls leads to restriction of activities and reduced mobility, which in turn can lead to a higher likelihood of osteoporosis and accordingly higher risk of fractures.

Evidence suggests that regular exercise, for instance, flexibility, strength and balance training, can improve some of the PD-associated problems and enhance quality of life. Others suggest that movement strategy training, namely cueing and attention strategies, might play a crucial and active role in improving gait pattern and mobility, as well as in modifying risk factors of falls, particularly gait freezing, which would potentially improve disability and quality of life. Our experts have specialist training in Parkinson’s disease and complex movement disorders.A thorough assessment will be carried out to identify the main underlying problems impacting on function, balance and mobility. Subsequently, we would be able to discuss interventions, approaches and education that can address these problems.

Our experts will be able to help you with problems related to:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Stiffness and tightness
  • Walking abnormalities
  • Disturbed balance
  • Cramps and spasms
  • Problems with transfers
  • Problems with bed mobility
  • Advice regarding washing and dressing
  • Problems with dual tasking
  • Lack of coordination
  • Poor posture
  • Numbness and sensory disturbances
  • Vocational rehab
  • Relaxation for sleep disturbance
  • Problems with facial muscles
  • Memory disturbance

For further information please Contact us

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